Saturday, April 8, 2023

Dark Castle: Turn 2


No surprises with the messages, which is good. Bone Daddy doesn't like surprises.

For this turn I sent a combat force to attack Shadowland to my North, which looks fairly weak and is comprised of humans. This is important because I plan to build a temple next turn and I want to make sure I can recruit independent priests as soon as possible.

I'll be using the below formation:

I'm putting my Censor and Acolyte in the same square and my Knights right next to them. I'm casting Unholy Blessing twice because the first one will target my commanders first since they have the higher HP pool, and then then it will hit the Knights. I'm also casting Unholy Power twice, but I think my knights might charge out-of-range before it can hit them since it only has a range of 20.

I'm using the skirmish line to try to give openings for my Knights to charge through. Also, I'm trying to position things so that my Knights will strike the enemy at the same as my chaff so my Knights don't take as many hits, but this is hard to pull off since enemies can move at different speeds. 

I need to have multiple raiding parties to take as much territory as possible, so I summon another Acolyte this turn to lead the next raiding party. They are expensive at 10 death gems apiece, but I need them ASAP and can't wait for my independent priests to come online. They are pretty tough and have high undead leadership at 95, so they do have some versatility, but I don't want to summon too many of them either.

I forgot to take a screenshot of the final map before I got the next turn. Unfortunately, I can't refer back  because I'm playing via a network connection, which overwrites the turn. I'll try to avoid making this mistake in the future.

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