Saturday, April 8, 2023

Dark Castle: Turn 5

Let's check out our battles:


This worked out much better then our battle in Land Pristine last turn and we only lost two longdeads. I did get a bit nervous when my Knights charged ahead of my main host, but fortunately our regular units kept the heavy infantry off our Knights. 


This was a fairly large battle with 100+ total combatants. Our scripting was on-point and our forces closed the distance, threw their javelins, and then engaged in melee. When melee started our Knights charged into the front lines, wrecking havoc on the enemy until they fled.

I reviewed the battle several times to see if I could optimize anything, but everything seemed to work very well.

Something cool about my Knights is that they are quite fast with their swiftness air bless and unholy power. When the enemy routs my Knights gleefully chase them down and often cut them down before they can run off the battlefield. I'm hoping this will be a significant advantage in battles with players by causing high attrition.

Let's check out that event.

Excellent. We need that gold badly. Due to Bone Daddy's excellent planning, we have an independent commander in Shadowland, and we order him to being construction of a Palisade.

For our attacks this turn we reinforce Embarr's army from our capital and send him North to attack Silverham. 

In the South we send Simith's army to attack in the Forbidden Fields to the East.

At this stage I'm being fairly conservative and attacking territories I'm pretty sure I can take. If I lose an army it would cause a lot of complications with my expansion, which is key at this stage in the game. 

On the not-so-good news department we generated no Knights in my capital. Each one of them is precious and I have my fingers crossed we'll make up for it next turn. If we do, I'll have an Acolyte ready to lead them in my capital.

For our recruitment we hire an independent priest, a scout, and summon a Spectator. 

The Spectator is going to be sent immediately to Site Search. I prefer to search at 3 death paths, but 2 death paths still finds quite a few death sites, and it's critical I increase my death income as fast as possible.

Before I ended the turn I double-checked my battle formations, and I found an issue with my southern army where my knights weren't placed correctly. I'm going to make it a habit of checking all formations before the end of my turn because it's very easy to make small mistakes that can be pretty impactful during battles. 

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