Spires of Ascension
This was likely a rare victory for Man because he said he had almost nothing left and was going AI this turn.
He destroyed the PD with minimal losses and made heavy use of a communion that unleashed a barrage of evocations. It's good to see some combat from Phaeacia, who although slow, is engaging Marignon.
I'm very curious what Marignon is planning. Is he going to defend himself or do a suicidal type rush against me and give up the fortress to Phaeacia? Unfortunately, I have to assume the latter and begin forming a Northern army to defend myself. More on this later below.
I realized I'm messing up how I animate my ghouls. Each independent priest can animate 6-7 ghouls, and each ghoul takes 10 population, so on average we will lost about 65 population per priest. I thought it was consuming corpses, but those are long-dead and you actually need live population. I think I use to know this, but that was 8 years ago and I forgot. Anyway, as a result, I'm reshuffling my independent priests (currently I have 20 of them) to areas that have population. If I had realized this earlier I'd have more ghouls by now.
On the political front I don't see Bandar's army anymore. He must have relocated it to his capitol. This is very interesting, and I wonder if he realized that he would pretty much fighting me solo and lost his appetite to tangle with me. I wrote him the following message:
Bone Daddy can't help but noticed that you moved your delicious looking monkeys from 135 --> 126 --> 113. He's assuming you took one look at the sea of fortresses packed with ghouls, and the massive doom stack forming and wisely decided to hide in your fortress (you didn't have enough siege strength to take out my fortresses BTW). I'm just his humble messenger though, and if you have 2nd thoughts about engaging us we might be willing to overlook this incident -- although we'd of course take back that province you tried to seize from us. We're not actually at war with anyone besides Marignon, who's force folded like a wet newspaper against us, and he's fighting Phae anyway. Let me know -- we're happy to throw down with you if you want to tangle with my hordes, but I guarantee you there are softer targets out there.
I don't know if I mean what I actually say, or I'm just having fun writing from Bone Daddy's perspective. I do think he was trying to be opportunistic and he might agree. (although I'd probably seize more of his territory for reparations). At least I hope so, I hope he truly wasn't doing this out of a sense of self-sacrifice and desire to help the other nations, which I think would be unfortunate since I think everyone who plays Dominions should be playing to win.
Anyway, I am going to attack him with my army from Karene and reclaim my territory in Nifel. We'll have 370 chaff, 30 knights, and 45 Lictors.
One of the reason I won't have enough forces is because I need to beef up my northern army, which I've begun to form in Morn. I need this to push back on Marignon. Between Morn and some small defensive forces I have in The Caverns and Panuonia I'll have 12 Knights, 10 Lictors, and 231 chaff. This doesn't include any freespawn or 9 additional Lictors I'm summoning a turn. This would be a little smaller then the force that already beat Marignon's 130-man combined army on turn 20, but it would probably be enough to stop Marignon if he makes a push against me.
I dislike fighting a two front war.
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