Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Dark Castle: Turn 26


Three more searches and nothing. Good job team.

Let's see how we did in our battles:


Our raiders strikes again and easily defeat 1 PD worth of Bandar's defense. We lost 8 soulless -- some to our own javelins -- but they did their jobs and took hits that could have destroyed our higher tier chaff. 

Troll Land

Marignon's PD always have one of those annoying Friars -- even with minimal PD -- who enjoy casting banishment against us. This time was no different and we took a few losses. However, it's worth it to see our formation in action, and I saw that some of our commanders moved too far forward in the formation, who I pulled back.  

I was expecting some type of shenanigans from Marignon this turn, but he's staying put in his fortress. I would to if there were three armies converging on my capitol.

Eriu's troops are hard to spot but he's in there somewhere. I'm probably making them pretty nervous with the size of my army, but I just want to stop Marignon from trying to do a suicidal raid into my lands. I'll pull them back once he is contained.

You will notice that there was a battle on the screenshot above between Phaeacia and Marignon in the Woods of Weeping:

It's not worth it to show the full battle, but Phaeacia used a lot of Mind Burn.

Mind Burn has the potential to be problematic for Ermor because it doesn't target mindless units, and if you only have a few commanders leading mindless troops, all those Mind Burns can knock out your commanders and not only make you lose, but also cause your troops to disintegrate. Fortunately, Lictors are not mindless and soak up those kind of hits. As a backup, I could also use ghouls for this purpose but their MR isn't as high as Lictors.

Let's check out our events:

It's modest but free gold and gems are always welcome.

For our attacks this turn we strike at the following provinces:

  • Delca

  • Troll Woods
  • Cloudcap Spires

If I was Bandar Log I would find these attacks annoying as hell. I'm going to keep trying to throw him off balance and gobble up all of his territories with the hopes I can kill his army piecemeal and disrupt his economy.

There's a chance he might head North and go after my capitol, but I have so many ghouls that I think that would be very difficult for him. Also, he looks like he's afraid of me and not eager to leave his capitol exposed. 

For our construction we build a temple in Kingdom of Dhara, which will be out 10th temple next turn. This will increase our max dominion to 8 and give me another death gem per turn. 

We also build a Palisade in Peacehaven, which is the throne I took the turn before. It's not well protected, but I don't see any sign of aggression from Ulm so I think it's safe -- but I'm still taking a gamble.

Finally, we upgrade our Palisade in Kingdom of Dhara to a fortress.

I'm going to send my Arch Bishop to Panuonia to claim the throne in a few turns. I'll try to get a Dusk Elder with air, and I can begin to forge Owl Quills to help with my research a bit. 

I was going to do another installment of Ghoul Watch where I count all of my ghouls in my fortresses, but that's too time consuming. Instead, I'm counting up the all the siege defense of my fortresses:

Shadowland:     106
Obocte:             90
Kingdom of Dhara:     64
Karene:             136
Ermor:             130
Morn:     65
Plothai:             90
The Caverns:             93
Shade Forest:             47
Panuonia:     22

I'd like more but I can shuffle them around in emergencies pretty easily, and I always try to maintain a commander in each fort for moving units around anyway. The days of me not having commanders are mercifully over, but I'd still like more if I can because I'm still finding it's barely enough.

I've never actually completed the MA Ermor story chain, but I still have this book icon even though I searched with my Dusk Elder. I'm going to send in a different Dusk Elder and see what happens. 

Finally, we recruit two more priests and a scout.

We have a total of 28 provinces, or roughly 20% of the provinces.

Something to take note of is that Bandar Log staled in his last turn and didn't submit a turn in time.

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