Saturday, April 8, 2023

Dark Castle: Turn 3

Dammit. I forgot to take a screenshot of the summary page. There wasn't a lot this turn either except for the battle for Shadowland (see below) so you're not missing much.

The most significant aspect of the messages was what wasn't said because nobody responded to my diplomatic message. That's a very bad sign because MA Ermor has a well deserved reputation of being a highly malignant nation in Dominions that needs to be destroyed as soon as possible due it's population killing dominion.

This can make playing MA Ermor extremely challenging since diplomacy is an extremely important element to being successful in multiplayer (MP) dominions. I need to be prepared that other nations will try to rush me and or form alliances against me.

Let's see how we did in Shadowland:

The battle went extremely well with my forces hurling javelins at the oncoming infantry, who were then destroyed by my unholy Knights. We only lost one Velite, but admittedly, there wasn't much opposition.

It's interesting that we showed 10 kills against the enemy, but 11 died. This was likely due to repel, which doesn't show up on the battle summary.

Here is what our Knights look like while blessed:

Those are great stats, which would be even higher (+4 attack and +4 combat speed) if I could get Unholy Power on them.

We attack Land Pristine to our Northwest:

For our other actions we we build a temple in Shadowland and an independent commander in Shadowland, who I will use to build a fortress whenever I have enough money. There's been too many times in other games where I wanted to build a fort, but I wasn't well positioned with the right commander so I want to make sure I'm planning ahead.

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